
"please maintain, please maintain, please maintain"... that's what i said when i stood on the scale this morning but instead, it showed a .6 pound loss... how that happened, i don't know because i had not one but two frozen pizzas this week and several (small) servings of my mom's peach cobbler... i suppose getting back to exercising has helped and i feel so much better, even if i'm a bit sore from yesterday's weight workout... wonder how i'll feel after my 1st kick-boxing class which starts next tuesday, probably pretty sore in places i haven't felt for a long time... i can't wait! :o)

today, i dropped some fall/winter clothes off at the consignment shop and was given a check for $33, not bad right? so, like any good consignor would do - i turned around and spent $24 in a matter of 30 minutes... i found a great pair of grey banana republic pants, a black wool coat, and 2 cardigans which is pretty darn good... i'm not ashamed to say i shop at these kinds of stores - you can find some very nice stuff for the fraction of the price and yes, i still shop in normal stores but usually only when there's a good sale... i have decided to focus on buying quality things this season and not worry so much about how many pieces i have in my closet (which is hard to do when you're a bargain shopper like myself)... just in the past week alone, i have already made a good start at revamping my wardrobe for fall and still haven't spent over $100... :o)

so how many of you watched the biggest loser last night? i thought it was pretty good, considering this is the first season i've watched - i tend to wait til the last episode when they do a recap but think i will enjoy watching everyone's progression... i like the new host but perhaps that's because in college, i was a big days of our lives fan (shhh)... anyway, i have made some mental notes about who i think is going to do really well, one of them being phil, the captain of the red team - you can just tell he's going to look hot when he loses all that weight... ;o)

happy hump day...

Anne  – (9:56 PM)  

Congrats on your loss!
I also like the new host, I think it will be a great season. can you imagine losing 31 pounds in one week?! nuts.

Kim  – (10:34 PM)  

Congrats on the loss!! .6 is AWESOME, especially if you were just hoping to maintain!!!! :)

Unknown  – (10:36 PM)  

weight loss during maintenance mode. cool. i saw the show last night and loved it. i doubt phil will be around till then end since he is such s threat but he will look cool, probably very muscular if he loses the weight.

Chris H  – (12:43 AM)  

Woo hoo on the loss, I'm sure you deserved it.... and I work at a Hospice Op Shop, and get some amazing stuff there, including clothes for my daughters! Love the place!

Askazombiehousewife  – (1:57 AM)  

Big congrats on your loss mmmm I could go for some pizza
and bread pudding or a berry

It be so cool to have a consignment shop here.

Carolyn  – (9:38 AM)  

Congrats on the loss! Good for you!
I really like Allison Sweeney as the new host as well because she can relate as she's had her own weight issues. I'm also really excited for Jillian's team to join the rest of them.

I'm saving up my flex points for homemade pizza tomorrow night and honeslty, I really can't wait!! Mmmmm Pizza

PS I shop at consignment stores ALL the time! I love the thrill of a good find!

Teresa  – (10:41 AM)  

Congrats on the loss.

I too usually watch the final show of BL. But decided to give it a try. Its ok (a little over produced with product placement etc), there are some weight lose shows on Discovery Channel or TLC that are very interesting and inspiring.

Have fun getting your winter wardrobe together.

Greta  – (10:55 AM)  

congrats on the loss! woo hoo.
I'm excited to see what happens with BL this season. Should be fun!

Sizzle  – (11:15 AM)  

i like consignment shops. you can find some good stuff in there!

marie  – (12:15 PM)  

congrats on the loss! and the finds - what a deal!

BL is crazy, eh? i can't fathom losing that much weight in a week. my first week of WW i lost 5 and thought that was too much!

BigBadMan  – (12:55 PM)  

One word: Yardsale!

Mel  – (9:12 PM)  

What a great surprise! I wish there were some good consignment stores around here. I do have the outlets which is nice because you can find some good sales. Happy shopping for new fall clothes!!!

Anonymous –   – (10:10 PM)  

I haven't had any good thrift shop scores in AGES... but I recall the excitement of hunting down several. Ah well, sometimes the hunt is fun too.

As for BL.. Yes, Phil will be hot, as will that dark haired lawyer guy from NY.

Congrats on your loss!

Cory  – (11:53 AM)  

Congrats on your loss this week. That's aweseome. Mine was just as surprising (except I was saying, "Please no more than a pound...")
Good job with your shopping too. That's awesome!

Unknown  – (1:57 PM)  

Way to go the loss!! Also glad that you are able to get back into the swing of exercising! Being sore is a good thing, right?? I keep telling myself that anyway!

As for the shopping, I too am a bargain shopper - love consignment shops and their great finds! I need to focus more on buying versatile pieces rather than buying so much stuff........my wardrobe in huge and most of it I don't wear anyway - drives my hubby nuts - LOL! Good luck on kickboxing - you are a brave soul!

angelfish24  – (12:31 AM)  

Good going on your loss this week. It always feels good to get a loss.
I didn't watch the biggest loser but did watch that recap show. Hope to catch the next biggest loser or at least start taping it to watch later.

Mandy  – (11:30 PM)  

I'm a big fan of the biggest loser, so happy it's back on. Let's hope we can all use their stories and successes towards our own motivation.

TrixieBelden  – (1:47 PM)  

congrats on your loss!

hey, i live in your general area and was wondering where the consignment shop you mentioned is located ... could you email me at trixiebelden2006 at yahoo dot com?


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