i can see the light
at the end of the tunnel... i accomplished a great deal today - got my last, printed piece to the printer and now it's just a matter of approving the bluelines next week and we're good to go... there was also a meeting with the production company who's handling everything at the hotel - their graphics sucked and no one seemed to care... i mentioned the logo being wrong and they were like, "we only modified it a little"... a little? why modify it at all - it's the conference logo, you dumbasses! how would they like it if i just 'modified' their logo because i felt like it... stuff like that just makes me SO mad! anyway, i'm now researching photos to promote the '59 pink cadillac convertible that we're having in the exhibitor hall, along with $350 cutouts of elvis and marilyn monroe... i mean really! AND they're having a photographer there if you want your picture taken... maybe it's just me but i think we could've spent our money on something better - LIKE GETTING ALTON BROWN! :o)
went for a nice, slow jog today - i just can't seem to pick-up the pace outside but then again - i haven't been doing it regularly enough to make any improvement... either way, it was nice to be outside - got to see some doggies which is always nice... :o)
weekend plans: eric and i are meeting up w/his old roommate, wife, and kids for dinner tonight - i think we're doing indian but i'm not certain... we also have some time to kill so it's drinks after work until 7:00... tomorrow, we're going to a HUGE community yard sale - i usually go with my mom but he said he'd like to go so we're taking truck and hopefully will find some good bargains! the rest of the weekend will be spent washing my winter clothes, packing them away, and taking out all my spring/summer stuff... happy happy, joy joy! :o)
have a great weekend, everyone...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I love this time of year, and all the garage sales happening!
Have a FAB weekend!! Good luck with the yard sale!!
Phew ... you have a ton going on! Hope you have a wonderful time at the sale and can't wait to hear about all the loot you score! :)
Alright busy woman! Have a great weekend. I am so excited that you are so close to your goal!
Indian food, I have never had but keep meaning to, what would you recommend? Have a great time at dinner :)
I hate it when people change my graphics "just because". Like I just didn't do it good enough that they had to go in and change something. Idiots!
My hubby and I just got back from a short 3 day weekend. We didn't do anything all that speculator, just the act of getting away together was nice. I'm so rested.