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i registered this site on blogs by women today because i feel its a great site that promotes various blogs written by women and they're not just diet-related... there are blogs about business, art, food, news - you name it, there's probably a blog for it... check it out if you have some time...

and thanks to pink bunny foo foo, i have purchased the book "When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies: Freeing Yourself from Food and Weight Obsession"... on her site she talks about some of things in the book and i think it may be a good read for me considering i'm back and forth between liking/hating how i look these days... okay, hate is a strong word but you know what i mean... i think if each of us really took the time to understand just how much our bodies do for us, on a daily basis, that maybe we'd treat it a bit better... granted, our bodies crave chocolate and tortilla chips on occassion but being lazy and drinking 3 cans of soda a day shouldn't be acceptable in anyone's book...

i'm getting ready for my restart on monday and feel that its time... things have been SO unstructured for weeks that going back to counting points will be good AND i'll be accountable for what happens each week (loss/gain)... as much as i've enjoyed being 'carefree', i know that its not going to give me the results i want so being unhappy w/how i feel OR how my clothes fit - is my own damn fault and no one elses... i wish i could blame someone/thing else but i can't - its time to face the music...

i'll be out of town this weekend visiting my sister, nieces and dad - the weather looks to be good so i'm happy about that... my boyfriend is also taking his new kitten, norman, to the vets tonight for the first round of shots - hope they do okay... we may try the whole my cat meets his kitten next week which should be interesting considering max weighs 13 pounds...

have a great weekend, everyone...

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