get ready for 100 degrees

just thought i would share from one of my fav websites ---> today, July 31st, is the very last day of National Ice Cream Month. Don't forget to have your final celebration with a guilt-free ice cream treat...

well, i made it thru the weekend not eating/drinking as much as i was expecting too - the german fest was a joke so after about an hour, we all headed to fells point in baltimore instead... i maybe had two beers all day and did well on the food aspect, even made it to my spinning class in the morning... sunday, i headed over to eric's and we went to see 'pirates of the caribbean' (it was good but not as good as the 1st), played some frisbee, hung out at home w/the kitties, and then met his friends for dinner downtown (indian)... i've now had curry three times in the last week so i hope all the sweet coconut sauce isn't going to kill my weigh-in wednesday... we took the harley which was nice, though quite warm for an evening ride...

today was the first, full day of my workout and damn - leg raises w/weights around my ankles were horrendous... i told andy i wasn't sore this weekend but i'm sure i will be sore later this week and even showed him that i was sweating (i hardly sweat when working out unless its really really really hard)... he said, "good, that's how it should be"... ugh!

heading to screen on the green tonight on the mall, they are showing 'bullit' which is supposed to have one of the best car-chase scenes... a bunch of us are going and have brought food along to share during the evening... i made this huge fruit salad with fresh blueberries, strawberries, cantelope, mango, and grapes... YUMMY... hopefully i'll be able to stay away from the cheese/crackers/hummus/bread... :-o

happy monday...

Askazombiehousewife  – (6:59 PM)  

I used to go to Okctober polka fests with my grandmother. She was German descent.

Good that your eating was so well.

MMMM I have ice cream in the freezer left over from my husband’s birthday. I will have some of that tonight. At 120 calories and 7 grams of fat per half cup and so yummy. I feel it's a much better choice than what I could be eating.

Marathon Someday  – (9:30 PM)  

Sigh - ice-cream. We had a dinner party this past weekend, and there's some in the freezer...taunting me. Even though I swore I'd throw it out after everyone left.

It's caramel ice-cream with chunks of toffee, crispy pecans, and cashews. Can you say YUM?

Belladora  – (10:06 AM)  

i LOVE hungry girl!

and i LOVE edy's slow churned light mint chocolate chip ice cream.


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