legs made of lead
running was hard yesterday considering i skipped a few days but as much as i wanted to stop and just walk the rest - i didn't AND i also made sure to do 3.1 miles... i'm hoping tomorrow's run is a bit easier and that i'll be okay by the time saturday comes around - we're having practice on the actual course so that should be interesting... i still can't believe how fast this training has gone - just yesterday, i was just goofing around saying i wanted to run a 5K and now i'll be doing it in 2 weeks... funny how things just take shape once you set your mind to it... :o)
i got back to my place last night so there was a bunch of mail in my mailbox, including a skirt i had ordered (i need to pick-up the rest of my order today at the rental office)... i was brave and ordered some things in size 10 and was pleasantly surprised to see it fit perfectly! now we'll just see how the other stuff fits tonight - i'm usually a size 12 for pants because of my damn hips/thighs but maybe the running has slimmed me down a size (yay me!)... i'm also planning on meeting my mom tonight at kohl's because i don't have anything that matches the skirt now (ironic, right?)... plus, i wouldn't mind another pair of capris and maybe some shoes so we'll see what i can find - using a gift card is so fun because its like shopping for free... :-o
work has been pretty slow this week and i just found out my boss is out tomorrow, which means it will be a nice, easy day - perfect for friday... a while back, i mentioned that my dept. is going mac-based - well, they've been delivered and once the software is installed, we'll be up and running... i was telling eric that as scared as i am to start using one - i know it will be good experience for me esp. when it comes to job-hunting in the fall... 99.9% of the ads i see online mention macs so i'll be able to finally apply with confidence - people said that it wasn't a big deal but i always felt like i was lying, now i won't have too... :o)
happy thursday...