simply successful secrets

i've been tagged by anne and asked to participate in the simply successful secret research project... the list should include 5-10 things that i do every day (or at least 4-5 times a week) to stay successful at weight loss or anything health-related... i had to laugh though when i first read about it because lately, i feel that i've been less successful than in the past but i can think of a few things to list...

  1. i use my lunch hour to workout
    i'm very lucky to have a gym in my building and use this hour to do either cardio or weights... it makes it very convenient for me and i really have no excuse NOT to go, so think its been a wise investment...
  2. i blog
    this includes blogging on my own site, as well as reading and commenting on others... in a matter of 2+ years, i have learned a great deal about myself and others who are struggling with the same issues... i have met some really great people who still, to this day, motivate, inspire, and make me laugh...
  3. i subscribe to health magazines
    i've always been a big magazine person and chose ones that contain not only weight loss articles, but also ones about self-improvement in general - my current list includes: health, fitness, rachael ray, and oprah... i usually find at least 1-2 articles that are interesting and try to apply them to my life in some way, whether its a new workout, a new recipe, or stories about other women that have overcome difficult obstacles...
  4. i take baths
    this is something i've done since the first night i moved into my apartment - i use this time to not only unwind but to relax, catch up on my reading, page thru catalogs, and as time to myself... and who can no to a tub full of bubbles?
  5. i accept myself
    this has been a hard one to achieve but in doing so, i have managed to let a lot of 'little things' go... i am human, therefore, i am not perfect - i will have bad days, splurge too much on a certain food, feel too lazy to exercise, and cringe when my pants are tight... but i have also learned that i'm capable of doing anything and need to give myself more credit - thus, one of the reasons why i'm doing the 5K in june... challenging yourself is the only way you're going to grow as a person, this can be applied to everything in your life...
  6. i laugh
    i find humor in anything and everything - i learned a long time ago that if you can't laugh at yourself, you're missing out on something... i also surround myself with funny people - eric makes me laugh so hard sometimes (he doesn't even try) and for that i am so very thankful... i've also managed to have a lot of friends that have a great sense of humor - it just makes life so much less serious sometimes...
  7. i am thankful
    i am very thankful to have so many things in my life - a roof over my head; a job that provides stability; a wonderful, understanding, and supportive boyfriend; a great set of friends; a family that i've grown closer too; and most importantly, the strength to pick myself after falling so many times... i am also thankful for this blog and for so many others that fill my day with amazing things...
i will keep this going and now tag amanda and sarah...

happy saturday...

Anonymous –   – (5:39 PM)  

thanks babes for the comment and support, I loveyou list of five things....have a great happy and OP Easter

Judi Finneran  – (6:08 PM)  

I love your comment about subscribing to Fitness mags. For a long time I was embarrassed to do so and thought I needed to be at goal first. In the last three weeks, I have subscribed to 3 and choose those by reading thru every one I could find in Barnes & Noble without caring what the people sitting around me thought!

Keep pushing play!


Sizzle  – (10:49 PM)  

this is great! i need to take more baths.

Living to Feel Good  – (2:45 AM)  

Great list Jodi! I try to unwind in the tub with my health mags too at least once a week. It does feel so nice when I do. :D

I will post my list on Monday.

Paige  – (12:00 PM)  

great list. it all completely makes sense.

marie  – (12:04 PM)  

i think the last three are key :)

Amanda  – (2:05 PM)  

what a great list! i'll make sure to do those for my post tomorrow!! have a great day!

Aaron  – (12:59 PM)  


Thanks for participating in the Simply Successful Secrets project!

As an ex-personal trainer, not very much time goes by when I don't bring up the concept of weight loss on my own blog, even though I'm not specializing just in that area any more.

You've got a great list of success secrets, and it is my impression from reading your list that you have a great attitude as well.

It all starts with YOU, whether the goal is weight loss or something else, so that winning attitude will ensure your success! :)

Thanks again for sharing your wisdom, Jodi!

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