weigh-in wednesday

i'm down 1.2 pounds this week so that's good... i also measured myself this morning (just because i haven't in a long time) and was amazed that there hasn't been any improvement... even though i had hoped pilates would do the trick, taking a class 1x week is going to cut it - i'm going to have to up the workouts to 2-3x week (or start doing yoga again)... i also need to get more cardio in because 3x week isn't enough in that area either... its so discouraging since i feel that i work my ass off but in order to see improvement, i'm going to have to work even harder... will there ever been a light at the end of the tunnel? i preach the whole "love yourself as your are, right now" to others all the time and yet i'm not doing it myself ... if i was, i wouldn't be worrying about not losing inches or only seeing the scale go down once a month... i'm obviously not happy w/myself for some reason and i need to find out why...

happy hump day...

now what

i am pretty proud of myself... eric suggested going to baja fresh last night for dinner and i said no - i don't think i've ever passed on baja, what is wrong with me?!?! i had a good day food-wise and wanted to keep it going so he then suggested panera bread... i did my research ahead of time and was happy to see they actually had a new soup that would fit into my lan... if you live near a location, you MUST MUST MUST try their vegetarian roasted red pepper & lentil soup - it is devine and only 2 points 8oz. serving... and yea, i did have two small pieces of their awesome multi-grain baquette but who can pass up bread w/yummy soup... :o)

i am also happy to report that the big project i've been working on since july, has been sent to the printer... no more boring text formatting for me, thank-you very much... i guess everyone has the projects they love working on, the ones they can tolerate, and the ones that they can't stand... would we be happier doing fun projects all the time? for me, i like having variety - sometimes this job has that and sometimes not... probably why i've begun looking elsewhere...

as for my weightloss, i've been thinking a lot about all the things i've said i would start doing and haven't... i was going to do pilates more than 1x week... i was going to do my 8-minute ab workout every day... i was going to start jogging more... i was going to try some new DVD workouts at home... its kinda sad really and i wonder why i'm almost the exact same weight as i was one year ago... granted, i'm more toned and in shape but my weight is the same (according to my journal anyway)... its hard for me to do things on my own since but when i pay for a class, its different - i'm more motivated and excited... has anyone else noticed that too? i would probably take a different class everyday if i could but that requires money and right now, $100 for pilates is pretty expensive... i did notice my other gym has a pilates class on monday nights at 7:30 so perhaps i need to try that... but if i do, that means i can't stay over at eric's on sunday nights anymore... ugh, i feel like i don't have a regular schedule so i can plan things but i guess that means i HAVE to do something about that, huh... guess its time to regroup again...

i'm thinking its time for another challenge in september... we'll see...

happy tuesday...

ho hum

it was quiet here this morning - i took advantage of my boss coming in late and printed some stuff on the nice color printer for my portfolio... i met w/a friend this past weekend and am considering buying an aluminum presentation case instead of using my old-school portfolio w/sleeves for interviewing... its much nicer having things loose so you can page thru them OR mounted on boards... i just need to save up the money to buy it - cheapest one i can find is $89 plus shipping... yikes...

my weekend was quiet but pretty busy, went to spinning AND did my weights on saturday morning (since i skipped on friday)... did some errands and then ran over to eric's since he was still sick and needed some company and TLC... i made homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner - it came out quite well for my first time so i was happy... we watched the race at bristol and flipped back to the skins game which was a joke, they are so sucking in pre-season!!! sunday, we were pretty lazy - watched tv, caught up on the show 'weeds', went for a motorcyle ride, grilled steaks on the grill for dinner, and then watched the usual HBO sunday night lineup... i only caught some of the emmy's (what guy wants to watch that!) and have to say my favorite person was mariska hargitay, she was stunning w/longer hair AND just having a baby a few weeks ago... nothing wrong w/seeing curves on a woman... :o)

food was pretty good even though i didn't keep track... hopefully everything will balance out by wednesday...

happy monday...

p.s. oh, my stomach pain went away on saturday, i woke up and felt fine and it hasn't come back since... i know i wasn't imagining it so hopefully its gone for good... thanks for well wishes!

what do you mean its only noon?

not much going on today ladies, so this will be a short post... i'm still have stomach issues, antacids aren't helping either so i'll give it the weekend and then call my dr. on monday if it doesn't improve... its now doing this gurgling/growling thing and i just ate! the boy is still sick so we haven't made any plans - the weather looks to be pretty decent though so i may hang by the pool tomorrow (considering it closes after labor day)... i plan on going to the 8:30am spinning class and the rest of my day is wide open - what to do, what to do... and on that note, i'll leave you w/some friday morsels... enjoy! :o)

have a great weekend everyone!

t-minus 5 minutes until this ship self-destructs

this week cannot end soon enough, not having anything to do (minus simple projects) is killing me... i've heard diddly-squat from that design place which is upsetting - more so that they can't send an email and tell me that they've chosen someone else, that just really burns me up... if i ever have my own agency (which i highly doubt) i would call each person on the phone and speak to them in person... enough complaining, moving on...

i've been having these weird upper abdomen, under my ribs, kinda pain - sort of like feeling hungry but more of a tight squeezing that comes and goes... it even woke me up this morning at 5:30am so i had a drink of iced tea... its not in my chest and i don't have any other symptoms, besides feeling hungry all the time... it just started yesterday, anyone ever get something like this? i'll give it another day and then i'll call my dr. if it doesn't go away... course reading stuff online never helps, the web can be such a curse sometimes (stuff like 'some heart attacks can occur w/no symptoms or warnings')... i've never had heartburn either or an ulcer, could it be something like that? you must think i'm a hypocondriac but i'm not, i just think i'm more in-tune w/my body since i'm taking better care of it - does that make any sense?

food's been good, besides feeling hungry all the time - i had a nice dinner last night and then had some sugar-free pudding AND then had some lowfat triscuits with melted cheese... i probably could've had a bowl of cereal too, but i didn't... at least i did weights and pilates yesterday - i love that class, another student said i have great form and would make a good instructor... perhaps that is my calling, hmmm... i did cardio today but only 40 minutes, didn't feel up to it really... i'm SO looking forward to this weekend even though i have nothing planned...

happy thursday...

weigh-in wednesday

even though i'm down 2 pounds from last week, i'm still up 2.6 pounds from two weeks ago... those 5 days at the beach of eating, drinking, not lifting weights, OR doing heavy-duty cardio really threw me for a loop but i'm back on track and feeling pretty good... a 3-week pilates mini-session starts tonight so at least i can back in the swing of things there... i was doing research on some fitness bootcamps yesterday and didn't really find anything in my area - has anyone tried one of those? i think it would be fun to try and see what its like - wish i had someone else to go with me... having a workout buddy is the best...

my newly engaged girlfriend just called, she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding which is next august... she hasn't even begun to think about dresses (hers OR the bridesmaids) but knows she wants sunflowers and thinks a dark purple dress would be an awesome combo... she definitely sounds less stressed out than before too, now that they've picked a date, the church and the reception site - things seem much better... i can't image how nervewracking all that must have been but then again, i live for planning/organizing things and can't wait to plan my own someday...

work is quiet so i'm trying to enjoy it before something else comes across my desk... september/october are usually our busiest months because its the end of our fiscal year, and various departments decide they need to produce 10 things before losing money in their budget... i'd rather be busy than bored but i also like a happy medium, not chaos...

not much else going on, hope you have a great hump day...

random nonsense

i am sore today, guess that's expected after not lifting weights for over a week... OUCH... i am also very tired and think my fall allergies are starting - stuffy nose, burning eyes, etc., how lovely... work is quiet today so i'm enjoying catching up on all my daily reads and thought i would share some random nonsense with you...

MagsForLess has some great deals on magazines - i subscribed to health ($7.98) and fitness ($4.99) since they are two of my standard, monthly reads (along w/oprah and rachael ray)...

lean cuisine will be selling these cute, designer lunch bags starting september 1, 2006... $5 from every purchase will go to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation... now you can be healthy AND stylin at the same time...

vanished premiered last night on fox... i have to admit the only reason why i watched it is because the lead character is played by gale harold (who was brian on queer as folk)... yea, i was hooked on that show back in the day, it helped me get thru some rough times being single and having dateless weekends... vanished was okay, they're trying to do the continous storyline like 24 so we'll see what happens next week...

nigella lawson will soon be coming to the food network in october, yet another show that i absolutely love... she's more 'real' than some of the other cooks i watch and she isn't afraid to eat what she's prepared... she's also not skinny-minny and always looks radient on camera, plus the english accent is rather sexy...

top ten things you don't want to hear about weight loss... great list and so true!

enjoy your tuesday... :o)

manic monday

its monday again and i'm not looking forward to a full week - last week spoiled me... i AM happy to report though that i am done formatting this publication i've been working on so now there's just final reviews/edits and off to the printer it goes... i feel like i've been working on this thing FORever even though its only been 4 weeks - i'm thrilled regardless... :o)

saturday's game was great and apparently we had $250 seats, according to my friend mike... the club level was like another world - marble floors, distressed leather chairs in the lounges w/flatscreen tvs, nice bathrooms, bars, restaurants, etc.... eric spent something like $30 on 2 hotdogs, 2 beers and a large fry - how funny is that (i did keep the souvenier cups though cus i'm lame)... traffic was slow getting in/out but not as bad as we expected and because there was a chance of rain, we took the mini and not the harley... and of course, it never rained! :o(

'snakes on a plane' was okay, i'll give it a 6/10... there were definitely some funny parts but there were also some pretty silly parts as well... we went to see the matinee and would say the theatre was half-full, i was expecting it to be packed... also, the guy behind me kept kicking my seat everytime something happened on the screen so i turned around twice and yelled at him (nicely)... the rest of our sunday was spent watching the nascar race and chilling w/norman... :o)

i took a spinning class on saturday but did no exercise yesterday, not sure why, just didn't feel like it... my leg was actually hurting for most of the day because of the new flipflops i bought at the beach - sounds strange but everytime i wear them, my leg hurts... maybe they are too hard for my feet? i dunno and it makes me mad cus they're really cute and they cost $24... anyway, i am back on plan today and had a nice bowl of mixed fruit w/vanilla yogurt for lunch and plan on having a light dinner as well... i was still in vacation mode this weekend so its back to reality this week for sure... i know i'll still be up a few pounds on wednesday but hopefully not as much as i saw on the scale on thursday...

hope you're having a great monday...

hail to the redskins

i scored 4 tickets to the skins/jets game tomorrow night, thanks to my production coordinator and one of our print vendors... i am very excited esp. since i've (1) never been to fedex field for a football game, (2) they are 'club' seats, (3) i love football, and most importantly (4) they were FREE... since i can't go to a game and not show my support, i happily went to target after work and found a long-sleeve tshirt for the game - as well as a few other things (wink)... i'm not sure if cameras are allowed so i'll take some pics if i can... :o)

food has been okay but not great, had a craving for pizza tonight so that's what i had (but it was a harvest wheat thin crust!)... i glanced at the scale this morning and almost fell over - days of drinking and eating have caught up with me so its back to counting points starting tomorrow... i also skipped the gym today because i was busy formatting an index - sometimes i get into a groove and hate to stop (i know, silly me)... i WILL go to spinning tomorrow morning so at least i'll be starting off the weekend right...

i found this cool graphic today... if you're at all into starbucks, here's some interesting tidbits of info... hard to believe that starbucks opens 3 new stores every single day... gotta love paying $4 for a cup of coffee (mmm white chocolate mochas and pumpkin spice lattes)...

as for the weekend, i don't have anything else planned... eric and i talked about going to see 'snakes on a plane' so perhaps we'll catch a matinee on sunday... its nice to be home this weekend too since i may do some travelling to my sisters and then to pittsburgh over labor day... can't believe summer is almost over, where did it go?

have a great weekend...

back to reality

i am happy to be back from the beach, my friend kate and i had fun playing the den-mothers and told them when we left yesterday, "your own on your own from here on out"... they were amazed at the home-cooked meals we prepared - whole wheat pasta with fresh pesto, turkey burgers, lasagna, humus, veggies, etc... i did my share of drinking though BUT got in a good walk every morning for at least an hour (kate said i kicked her ass everytime - ha!)... i'll probably hop on the scale tomorrow to see what the damage is but won't officialy weigh-in again til next wednesday... overall, it was good to get away from work and everything else - i'm a beach kinda gal and would ideally LOVE to live near the ocean... just something about the laid-back atmosphere, the salty air and breezy nights - makes me more at peace then anywhere else...

the appointment i had after work on friday went pretty well, the owner was a very laid-back kind of guy with a great sense of humor (think a grey-haired jerry garcia w/out the beard)... they have a staff of SIX (unlike 200+ here), basically do everything for their clients, and the majority of their work is print (my strength)... the agency has a great variety of clients, which means variety in the work, which means i won't be bored to tears like i am here... he said he really liked my website and my resume and was impressed by my samples... i sent him a thank-you email this afternoon and hope to hear something soon - it was a great experience - regardless if i get the position or not - and having positive feedback is always a good thing...

has anyone been watching the show WORKOUT on bravo? if not, you should seriously check it out if you're into the reality/fitness type of thing... the owner has a kick-ass body, along w/her staff, and its just an interesting show from the perspective of a woman, trying to make it in hollywood, in the fitness world... its pretty gay/lesbian oriented though so if you're uncomfortable w/that kind of thing, it may not be your cup of tea but otherwise - its pretty darn good... season finale is next tuesday at 9:00pm...

work is work, not much else to say there... i'll just be happy when this service directory is done - might have to start the index tomorrow which will be a PAIN IN THE ASS... at least it will be friday... :o)

have a good one...

until next time

well, i made it to friday and now have 5 days at the beach to look forward too... i won't be able to completely relax til after my interview though and while updating my portfolio last night - i realized there were a few things missing... so i had to come in early this morning and print out samples before my boss arrived *whew*... i also need to invest in a bigger portfolio, its just a bit too snug w/all my printed pieces... i'll give you the 411 on thursday when i get back and tell you how it went...

i went shopping after work and picked up a few things for the trip - big lots had my favorite cereal on sale (special k w/berries) for $2.30 a box! this is like unheard of, so i stocked up... then i had to go home, do my portfolio, pack my clothes, do laundry, stop my mail, call my mom, and load things into my car... not much time to relax... i still need to hit the grocery and liquor store before we leave tomorrow, trying to get as much done now as possible...

sorry i'm not more talkative today, just in a very mellow and somber mood... hope it improves later and certainly by tomorrow... maybe i'm subconsciously worried about overeating and drinking at the beach... ugh! hate to see all my hardwork go to waste...

TGIF and have a great weekend!

who says i'm weird

taken from foodfight, here's my list 5 things that are weird and/or habits...

  • if a cabinet door is open, i have to close it
  • i always make sure the doors are locked before going to bed, sometimes twice
  • i can't fall asleep on my right side
  • i wear my clothes in order and everything is arranged by color
  • i can't sleep in anything moving esp. cars and planes

its so close i can taste it

today, august 10th, is national s'mores day... wish i had one right now - gooey marshmallow, melted chocolate, fresh graham crackers... mmm mmm... makes me want to go camping... it will be weird going to the beach next week and actually having a real bed, shower and furniture other than a picnic table... my friend kate and i will be carpooling so i'll have company along the way, plus we hope to get there early and score a good room (there will be 12+ girls staying over the weekend)... we were laughing about what food to bring since most of the 'skinny' girls don't eat and when they do - its like cheese fries, nachos, pizza, and god knows what else... we're going to be the healthy ones in the house for sure, wonder if any of them have even TRIED whole wheat pasta... ah, to be young and carefree again - puhlease... ;o)

gym was okay today, did 40 minutes on the treadmill and then had enough... i'm sure i'm not the only one but there are just some days where i don't feel like exercising... last night was the last pilates class til mid-september, i've really enjoyed the class and can feel my abs have tightened up a bit since starting... i will have to pull-out my trusty, old windsor pilates dvd and do that for a while... her style is a bit different than my current instructor but at least i know i'll have better form than before...

i have a ton of stuff to do after work including errands, packing, and updating my portfolio for tomorrow's interview... i hope it goes well - sharing your work with people can be so nerve wracking because you never know what they're thinking... and if they DO make comments, you always wonder if they're just being nice or if they're being totally honest... *sigh*

happy thursday

wednesday weigh-in

08/02: 164.2
08/09: 162.2
loss: -2 lbs.

i don't think i've seen this weight since last fall so to say i'm a bit happy this morning, would be an under statement... and yes, i stepped on the scale more than once just to be sure (don't we all?)... i feel i did very well w/my food and exercise last week so i'm going to keep up the good work... course my first thought was, "i'm sure i'll see a gain next week after i get back from the beach" but for now, i will take it... :o)

i'm thankful that my mood has also improved since yesterday... on monday night, eric and i got into a very emotional discussion about some areas of our relationship and where its going - one could call them very eye-opening... we are still together but there are just things that need resolved before a more serious commitment (engagement) is made... i love him dearly and the thought of not having him in my life, at this point, is devastating... he is more than i could ever want in a boyfriend and am SO very thankful to have him (and norman) in my life... ;o)

pizza update: i tried the lean cuisine roasted garlic chicken pizza last night and have to say, it was pretty darn good... yea, it was a bit on the small side but the crust was crunchy, the flavor was nice and it was a pretty satisfying dinner (says the girl that can eat a WHOLE digiorno thin crust pizza in one sitting)... and for 6 points, i would recommend trying it esp. if you're a pizza-lover like me... :o)

weekly dare:
This daring female worksheet contains some questions to prompt you to think about various areas of your life. Print it out, find a few free minutes, and make a deal with yourself to write down the answers that are honest and that you feel genuinely express how you feel. This is your time and the worksheet is your space to un-clutter your mind, to not worry about what anyone else might think, and be HONEST.

happy hump day...

its only tuesday

not much going on in blogland today... i'm not feeling myself and am struggling to make it thru the rest of the day... i can't even get excited about an interview i have on friday evening with a design firm, maybe by then i will be... i have been struggling off and on whether to stay here or move on - i'm the senior designer so there's not much room to move up the ladder... the workload is pretty steady but the projects are boring and i sometimes feel like my talent is going to waste... the plusses are: great benefits, my own office w/a window, gym is in the same building, my boss doesn't micromanage, and i can read blogs all day if my work is done... i'm also 100% vested in my 401k so that's another plus...

when i spoke to a close friend (and former coworker) about my thoughts on leaving she said, "stay there til you're married and when you start having a family, then quit"... kate was recently engaged when i first came here and on the verge of planning her wedding - which she happily likes to admit, "i planned it all while working here"... since my hopes of becoming engaged soon have been crushed, i don't even want to think about that stuff right now and it's not helping that my best friend is just starting her own wedding planning... it tears me apart hearing about churches and reception sites, almost to the point of being sick in the stomach but i will be there for her, esp. since she has NO idea what she's doing... ;o)

food has been okay, exercise will be cardio today - pulled a muscle in my arm yesterday while doing pull-ups and man did that ever hurt... wonder if i can get in another 30 mins. on the treadmill OR if i should do a longer workout on the eliptical... decisions decisions...

happy tuesday

The greatest essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.

all over the place

thought i would start the week off with a fun question... if you could have anyone's body, who would it be? it can be a movie star, singer, friend, etc. - mine would be ms. jameson (NSFW)...

when i went grocery shopping yesterday, i had to pick up some LC meals for eric... besides being 1/2 off (what a deal that is!), i was thrilled to see they had one of the new pizzas i talked about last week... i quickly grabbed two and will let you know what i think later this week...

got my exercise in both days this weekend - spin class on saturday and a nice walk yesterday... food was okay, i'm sure i used some flex points esp. after yesterday and eating a corn dog (we went to a local fair)... for dinner, i made stuffed peppers and a nice salad so i think i did pretty good there... some of my clothes are beginning to feel a bit looser (yeee haaa) and when i went shopping on saturday, one of the dresses i bought was a size 10... i'm wearing it today and it even makes me LOOK thinner too, what a great thing... :o)

how many of you received a letter re: a new talkshow and wanting to discuss weightloss? i saw that the same person posted on another blog's comment section, just curious to see how many got it AND who's actually going to call? i may do it - what the hell, right?

excerpt from the book i'm reading: "we are very much in favor of movement and exercise. we know, however, that women think about exercise in tandem with diets - as a means toward weight loss. in order to make movement or exercise a permanent part of your life, you must disassociate it from the issue of losing weight. then you can challenge your ideas about what what your body can and cannot do."

i'm going to try my hardest to look at exercising in a different way - when i went walking yesterday, i thought about how great it felt to be outside and moving... how the sun felt on my skin and how the sweat felt dripping down my arms... how the music made me energized and want to keep going... we should ALL find something about exercise that we enjoy, other than it will help us lose weight... it should be pleasurable and we should enjoy it, regardless of our size... :o)

happy monday...

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."

attention k-mart shoppers

just in case you are bored this weekend - i'm adding some blogs to my list and putting an * next to the ones that are brand, spanking new (i will try and do this once a month)... i may also remove some old ones so if i remove yours by mistake OR you're new to this site OR would like me to add yours, please let me know... thanks! :o)

the weekend starts in 4 hours

interesting article on diet blog today about weight watchers and how attendance (in the UK) is down 15% over the last year... could this be attributed to more online diet programs? who knows, maybe more people would rather use their computer than drive to a weekly meeting? i haven't been to one in years but totally support those that go because i think it does work... the article also mentions that WW is coming out w/a revamped and simpler plan next year - how exciting... :o)

i'm happy its friday even though i only worked 4 days and had off on wednesday... we've been very busy at work w/various conferences and promotions and yes, i'm still working on that 400 page publication... i'm looking forward to having a few days off in two weeks, not sure if i've mentioned going to the beach w/my girlfriends or not... carly is turning 30 so she rented this house in dewey and invited all her girlfriends to celebrate... i'm not one for large crowds esp. in a house setting so this should be interesting... i'm also not much into partying and drinking til you puke either so i'll probably be the mother-hen as usual... my close friends like to tease me about never seeing me drunk and i usually laugh it off but it really upsets me - i just don't understand why its such a big deal (even eric has said he won't marry me til he sees me drunk - huh?)... i'm worried about exercise/food but will do my best under the circumstances - i can take daily walks for sure but am considering taking my bike... we'll see...

plans for the weekend so far: spin class and getting my haircut tomorrow... also may do some shopping w/my mom since she got these great deals at the mall last week and i could use a new dress or two... eric and i may watch "V for Vendetta" and possibly hit a local fair that starts on saturday - i told him we could take the bike and he was happy... when did i become such a harley freak, i'll never know... ;o)

happy friday everyone...

weekly weigh-in

last week: 163.2
this week: 164.4
gain: 1 lb.

i weighed myself yesterday morning and decided to wait until this morning to see if what i had to eat on tuesday caused the gain - obviously not, i was the same both days (damnit!)... so as a result, i threw away some klondike 'light' ice cream samiches that i bought last week - even though they're only 2 points, i really don't need to be eating them... you know how it is when you have a good streak going - cheating seems like such a reward for losing weight... it doesn't make any sense but we do it anyway, at least i do, and i'm not afraid to admit it... as with any new plan, my body is still adjusting i guess so i just need to be patient and continue moving ahead...

since i had off yesterday, i left eric's after he went to work and came home before heading out again for my doctor's appts later in the day... i did the treadmil for 40 minutes and jogged for almost 30 of it - yeee haaa, that's the longest i've run in a long time... i had thought about going to the pool but it was way too hot and decided it wouldn't be worth the effort... my stitches were taken out and was told my mole was just that, nothing cancerous, so that's good news...

i went to my mom's for a while and then headed to the dentists - the woman who cleans my teeth was like, "wow, have you lost weight, you look great" and for once i replied, "yea, i have, thank-you" (i'm terrible w/receiving compliments, by the way)... from there, it was time for pilates and then home for dinner... busy day off, to say the least... my annoying neighbor was on the treadmill at 11:30pm, i was THIS close to banging on the wall but thankfully, having the a/c on muted most of the noise... how can people be so inconsiderate! i so hate apartment living sometimes...

happy thursday...

i'm sore... really sore

i'm a big fan of the new lean cuisine meals, i have found most of them to be pretty darn tasty (swedish meatballs, meatload and lasagna are my top 3)... i get periodic emails from them and today they were promoting a new wellness tool option that will create menu plans for you and keep track of calories, etc... i think its a great service but its nothing new and nothing fitday or sparkpeople don't already provide... since i was there, i checked out the new products and found this --> brick oven style pizza... i LOVE LOVE LOVE pizza and have to say, these look amazing... and for only 6 points, that's not a bad deal right? has anyone seen and/or tried them? i'm so going to the store this week to see if i can find them...

the movie last night was good but it was HOT HOT HOT... eric didn't bring shorts and was stuck in his jeans, sweating like a pig, poor guy... we had all sorts of semi-healthy food to snack on: fruit salad, sundried tomato hummus, crusty bread, crackers, whole wheat pita, monterey/pepperjack cheese, and lambrusca (cold, sweet, fruity, and very tasty red wine)... people had brought coolers, umbrellas and even an inflatable palm tree - they must be the diehard mall-movie goers... we didn't get home til almost midnight and after playing w/the kitties, taking a much needed shower and going to bed, it was almost 1am... i hate long nights, it makes the morning come all that much quicker...

my arms and legs are a bit sore from yesterday's workout... today is cardio so i may do the eliptical since it puts less stress on your legs (plus i'll burn more calories)... weigh-in is tomorrow, i am hopeful so we'll see how it goes... i am SO looking forward to having the day off, sleeping in, hanging by the pool, and going to pilates class - only 2 more classes left til the end of september... guess i'll have to do my own thing until then...

happy tuesday