weigh-in wednesday
i'm down 1.2 pounds this week so that's good... i also measured myself this morning (just because i haven't in a long time) and was amazed that there hasn't been any improvement... even though i had hoped pilates would do the trick, taking a class 1x week is going to cut it - i'm going to have to up the workouts to 2-3x week (or start doing yoga again)... i also need to get more cardio in because 3x week isn't enough in that area either... its so discouraging since i feel that i work my ass off but in order to see improvement, i'm going to have to work even harder... will there ever been a light at the end of the tunnel? i preach the whole "love yourself as your are, right now" to others all the time and yet i'm not doing it myself ... if i was, i wouldn't be worrying about not losing inches or only seeing the scale go down once a month... i'm obviously not happy w/myself for some reason and i need to find out why...
happy hump day...