the scale showed no loss/no gain this week and i'm amazed considering i was totally off-plan this past weekend and only exercised 3 times... just goes to show you how your body reacts to different things... i'm not sure how many of you keep track of your progress via charts or spreadsheets but it's a good way to see how your body has a pattern re: gains/losses... usually for me, i'll have a big loss and then either maintain or have tiny losses for a few weeks and then BAM! i'll have another big loss... anyway, i'm happy so onto another new week... :o)
not much else going on right now, work is busy, and i skipped the gym yesterday because i was waiting for something to be printed in the mailroom... guess when it showed up on my desk? 4:50pm! by then, i just didn't feel like going after so i went to the grocery store instead... i WILL be going today though, come hell or high water... ;o)
happy hump day...

I really should try this whole spreadsheet graphing thing, I would love to have a better understanding of my body's reaction to dieting and exercise! Smart move.
congrats on the no gain!! The body is funny sometimes.
I think the big loss/maintain cycle is common for many... so yippeeee on the maintain!!
Congrats on holding steady!! Here's to the next big loss coming your way. :)
I will look soon
I've been way off plan
that just means you'll see a nhice big less next week!
Thanks for the spreadhseet idea. I haven't been keeping track but I'd like to start.
Good idea on the spreadsheet. I'll have to try that sometime.
Maintaining is great after festivus! On to next week, all the best.
Maintaining is great after festivus! On to next week, all the best.
spreadsheets are great! i loved my spreadsheet. i had all these little mini goals marked on it, so it was like i had a reason to celebrate every 3 weeks!
congrats on maintaining. that is super tough to do.
spreadsheet is interesting... of course i'd want to put in things like calories and food and stuff and then it would become too much of a hassle.